The Amauris Vienna

19th Century Style Meets Contemporary Elegance.

fromUSD $386*night
Includes all taxes & fees
*Based on a 1 night stay, from Wed, Jan 15 to Thu, Jan 16. Perks may not apply to this rate. view this rate

Vienna, Austria

The Amauris Vienna

19th Century Style Meets Contemporary Elegance.

What we think

Skylark only includes hotels that meet our stamp of approval. Our editorial review for this one isn’t ready yet — but we’re working on it! Below is the hotel’s own description.

The Amauris is named after the butterfly genus to which the Great Monarch belongs. Metaphorically speaking, our guests are like the Great Monarch butterfly.

One would say that butterflies are just pretty, but they are more than meets the eye. They travel miles and miles, they pollinate flowers, they are a messenger of change in the environment and incredibly inspiring in their beauty.

They are a thing of intricate meaning and beauty. We see our guests as this beautiful butterfly, visitors from afar, exploring the refined qualities of our city and hotel, leaving transformed, with their own stories to tell.

The early historical corner building, built by the renowned Austrian architects Willhelm von Flattrich and Carl Schumann, was initially used as a noble residence and was a popular meeting place for the Austrian nobility and upper class until the end of the monarchy.

Since 2007, it has been a place for international guests to stay, and traditional Vienna has always been omnipresent here. The Viennese attitude to life is lived on at The Amauris Vienna. As part of the international hotel association Relais & Châteaux, hospitality, food culture, and the art of good living are at the heart of the hotel.

The Amauris Vienna embodies everything that characterizes a boutique hotel. These are houses where the personal touch and excellent service prevail, paired with exceptional and luxurious design. The high level of service, modern furnishings, and family atmosphere make every stay unforgettable. The Amauris Vienna also exudes its very own charm. Selected color worlds evoke cozy comfort and relaxation.

"Feeling at home in the Viennese Palais".

Restaurants & Bars

Glasswing - Dining here, you’ll experience meals with a perfect mix of innovation and tradition worthy of Vienna

Bar & Bistro - Indulge in a wide selection of culinary delights and refreshing cocktails

Kärntner Ring 8
Vienna, 1010
9, Austria

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