Grand Hotel Et De Milan

A retro atmosphere in an aristocratic building

fromUSD $654*night
Includes all taxes & fees
*Based on a 3 night stay, from Sun, Jan 19 to Wed, Jan 22. Perks may not apply to this rate. view this rate

Milan, Italy

Grand Hotel Et De Milan

A retro atmosphere in an aristocratic building

What it is

A long-standing Milanese gem that has preserved its enchanting Old World style.

What it isn't

Fashion-forward or exquisitely equipped. Guests forego some contemporary conveniences for an authentic Belle Époque atmosphere.

What we think

The “De Milan” has been an emblem of Milanese hospitality ever since its grand opening in 1863, and it embraces its history with an enthusiasm that enamors even the least tradition-bound traveler. Decor is decidedly Old World, from the burnt-orange sofas in the lobby to the rooms with jacquard wallpaper, heavy drapery and Oriental rugs. It’s easy to imagine Verdi composing operas here (which he did—in the so-called Verdi Suite), 60’s and 70’s fashionistas crowding the atmospheric Gerry’s Bar, or even legionaries atop the recently discovered 250 AD defense wall in the hotel’s Don Carlos restaurant. But the De Milan isn’t a time warp—mod cons include an exceptional fitness center, high-tech room amenities and Etro toiletries.

You're here because

A hotel isn’t a fashion runway for you: When it comes to hospitality, tried and true glamour wins out over trendiness.

The Moment

Besuited in regal black tie, walking back from La Scala after a beautiful performance of Verdi’s “Otello,” you return to the same opulent hotel that he did after its original debut and slip into a table at Don Carlos, joining the other opera-goers under the gaze of centuries-old oil portraits.

Restaurants & Bars

Caruso - Milanese, breakfast & lunch

Don Carlos - Italian and seasonal cuisine, dinner only

Gerry's Bar - Open all day long, with American Bar. Ideal for light lunches or dinners, aperitives, cocktails and afternoon tea


Bridging the financial and fashion districts, a stone’s throw from the Duomo, La Scala and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

Via Manzoni 29
Milan, 20121

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