Tierra Patagonia Hotel Boutique and Spa

fromUSD $2303*night
Includes all taxes & fees
*Based on a 3 night stay, from Tue, Mar 4 to Fri, Mar 7. Perks may not apply to this rate. view this rate

Tierra Patagonia Hotel Boutique and Spa

What we think

Skylark only includes hotels that meet our stamp of approval. Our editorial review for this one isn’t ready yet — but we’re working on it! Below is the hotel’s own description.

At Tierra Patagonia Adventure and Spa Hotel - we invite you to forge

your own relationship with Torres del Paine National Park. At Tierra Patagonia- you will find yourself completely surrounded by wilderness and you can enjoy an endless array of outdoor excursions.

9 interseccion ruta Y156
Torres del Paine, 6170000

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